
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.

  • ICIoTSA2023 is now accepting manuscript submissions using EasyChair system through the following link

( https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iciotsa2022 )

  • Authors are invited to submit original research contributions not concurrently submitted elsewhere (Submission Link). Normal length papers should be 7-9 pages, formatted in Natural Sciences Publishing (NSP) Format according to the guidelines (Submission guidelines)

  • Template of the required format (Word and Latex)

wai25b68b7q2t2.pdf (naturalspublishing.com)

  • Submitted papers will be refereed by at least three reviewers for quality, correctness, originality, and relevance. Notification and reviews will be communicated via email.

  • All submissions must be in English only.

  • Authors are invited to submit the full paper as a PDF using the Natural Sciences Publishing (NSP) Paper drafts must be prepared in English with a maximum of six (10) printed pages in Natural Sciences Publishing (NSP) format (10-point font, double-column, and A4) including figures, tables, and references. The conference reserves the right to refrain from reviewing papers that are significantly longer than 6 pages.

  • The maximum no. of words allowed in the abstract is 250 words and at least 5 keywords are also required.

  • The authors are advised to select only one (i.e. the most suitable) track out of 4 mentioned tracks on the submission page for their submission at the time of submitting the manuscript through Easy Chair.

  • All papers submitted to ICIoTSA2023 will be checked for plagiarism according to Springer guidelines. If found free of plagiarism, it will be peer-reviewed and evaluated based on NOVELTY, Presentation, Correctness, and Relevance to the conference. In case of minor plagiarism, the authors will be asked to rewrite the paper. In other cases, the paper will be immediately rejected.

  • The acceptance of papers along with referees’ comments will be communicated to authors by email. Authors are required to incorporate the comments received in the CAMERA-READY PAPER before final submission.

Please Note:

  • The camera-ready manuscripts can be prepared with Natural Sciences Publishing (NSP)

  • The camera-ready manuscript with its assigned submission number and Consent Form must be sent info@sirg.club

  • The copyrights/Consent form must be printed and signed out manually and then sent with the camera-ready manuscript to info@sirg.club before the registration

  • If you have any problems during the submission process, please contact the conference chair by email info@sirg.club


All accepted papers must be presented at the conference and at least the authors must register to attend the conference.